Did you know that all your online activities are connected to your IP address? Bet you are now aware. Just like your physical address, your IP address can direct someone right to where you are.
The fact that someone can effortlessly find you online is not the most amazing, right? Well, you can prevent that from happening. How? Your PC will give you ‘hide IP proxy’ command: you might want to click on that.
You do not have to be a criminal to hide your online activities. Here are other legit reasons as to why hiding your IP is a wise thing to do.
1. Control marketers
Isn’t it annoying that you cannot just surf uninterrupted? Are you wondering how paid ads are filling your screen and following you around the www?
Well, it is straightforward. Marketers can hunt you down using your browsing IP. Through AI, they can know what you might be interested in.
They use the information on your browsing history to come to that conclusion and then use your IP to share their ads with you. If the paid ads are becoming a pain, hiding IP proxy might be the best resort.
2. Safety while using public Wi-Fi
Did you know that public Wi-Fi is a weak link for attackers? If you use public internet connections, then you are a soft target for hackers.
What happens is that the attackers wait until you connect to the public networks then conduct a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack and get hold of your personal information. You can only imagine what they could do with it.
3. Skip over firewalls and content restrictions
Have you ever traveled abroad then tried to access a site that you have been interacting with from there, only to find that it is blocked?
It can be frustrating. Some countries block social media channels. What does that mean? When in such states, you will be barred from keeping tabs with your family or even working if the platforms facilitate that.
There is something you can do to counter this: hide IP proxy. Masking the IP while in such countries will allow you access to the sites just like before you visited.
4. Access content
Are you trying to stream a particular video but you can’t seem to go through it? Well, it might be because users from your country have been denied access to that content. Hiding IP to the rescue again! Changing your location in your PC will allow you to stream anything you want to. Such restrictions will not work on you.
5. Keep your activities private
This is especially true with your Internet Service Providers (ISP). If you want to keep your stuff private all the way, you might want to hide your IP from your ISP.
Well, this is because they can access your information to when they wish to. While most of them might not snoop, there are a few who might be malicious and watch what you are doing.
As you have seen, hiding your IP might be necessary sometimes. It does not necessarily mean that you are up to no good. With the rise in cybersecurity attacks, it might serve as an excellent protection strategy.
Cool entry, although could be a bit more detailed. I’ve stumbled upon a decent and informative article on the net, a recommended read if you are looking into acquiring a proxy