Businesses today face a daunting cybersecurity challenge. With almost every aspect of the average business’s operations either partially or fully digitized at this point, a single misstep risks disaster. To stay safe, businesses must take steps to safeguard their data and keep multiple threats at bay. The costs of failure are staggering. In the US, […]
The Importance of Strong Passwords in Information Security
Strong passwords are perhaps the barest basics of information security. Nobody likes hackers tampering with their sensitive data. As a result, almost every digital application in the modern world requires the use of passwords. Do you remember when you have to check your emails, access courses online, communicate on social media, or even use a […]
The 15 Best Cloud Based Security Solutions for Businesses (SMB or Large Enterprise)
With more and more businesses adopting cloud infrastructure to safeguard their critical data, there is also a continued increase in concerns over data privacy and security. Despite trends such as cloud computing, mobility and virtualization which are enabling various ventures to enhance their agility and flexibility at a fast pace, APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) like […]
Different Types of WiFi Security Standards for Your Network
We hear a lot about internet security and safety. But did you know that some security is built right into the protocol used to bring wireless service into your home or business? The most prevalent wireless communication standard for home or business networks is of course the WiFi protocol (based on IEEE 802.11 framework). Since […]
Top 10 Free Antivirus Software Programs in 2021
Protecting your devices and digital information is getting increasingly difficult. Most companies now operate in the online environment exclusively, which gives cyber predators a lot of opportunities to attack and jeopardize your business. On a personal level, our digital data is also at risk of either being stolen or lost. Can you imagine loosing the […]
Top Cybersecurity Mistakes Remote Workers Make
In February 2020, 4.7 million U.S. workers were working remotely according to statistics by Flexjobs. That is over 3.4 percent of the American working population — a number that has spiked dramatically over the last few months. With companies now being faced with the very real task of transferring its work environment into a remote working set-up, […]
How Are Cyber Security Teams Planning for the Future?
If anyone thought that security professionals were nonessential personnel, they’ve been roundly disabused by this pandemic. When our fraught schedules have allowed it, I’ve been having snippets of conversations with colleagues who manage security departments in various industries all over the world. These men and women are wading in alligators up to their, ahem, access: […]
10 Best Free Password Managers for Online Account Privacy
Managing passwords for websites and applications is becoming more of a challenge. There is an increased need for greater security and a growing number of passwords to remember. Using a free password manager provides a convenient solution. What Is a Password Manager? A password manager is an application that securely stores login information for the […]
Some Questions and Answers (FAQ) About Avast Security
An entire suite of products and services comprise Avast security software. The basic program is one of the most popular and effective Antivirus engines which scans for viruses and malware before removing them from infected machines. Also, Avast includes dozens of other add-on features and components including a password vault with one-click login capabilities, VPN […]
Top 14 Browser Plugins For Privacy Protection (Chrome, Firefox etc)
Many of the things you can do to protect your privacy online are behavioral. Chances are, you already know these. You use complex passwords and change them frequently, you don’t access sensitive data using public wifi, you know how to recognize phishing attempts, etc. In fact, protecting your privacy online can seem like a full-time […]