No matter which part of the world you are living in, you would have already heard about Pokémon. One of the more popular ways people enjoy Pokémon is through video games. If you’re wondering what these video games are, here is a List of 23 Pokémon Video Games (Core series) in Chronological Order of release:
1) Pokémon Red and Green Japan (1996)
This version of the game was the very first installment of the series and it’s still a favorite for many expert gamers. This certainly is another reason to include it on top of our list.
They were first released in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Red and Pocket Monsters: Green.
The goal of this game is to become the champion of the league and to capture all Pokémon for the completion of the Pokédex.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release: February 27, 1996
Platforms: Game Boy
The player explores the environment looking for wild Pokémon and finding the gems.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The player can choose from 3 starter Pokémon – Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander.
- After completing the Pokédex, the player gets an actual Diploma.
2) Pokémon Red and Blue (1998)
These versions are role-playing games which came out after Pokémon Red and Green.
It makes use of the Game Link Cable that allows the player to connect two games together.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release: September 28, 1998 (NA), October 23, 1998 (AU), October 5, 1999 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy
There are three basic screens – the overworld, the battle screen, and the menu interface.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There are eight Pokémon Gyms with different type of affiliations.
- The player gets to battle against the Elite Four and the Pokémon Champion.
3) Pokémon Yellow (1999)
This version was also given the title Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition.
This is the improved version of Pokémon Red and Blue that’s loosely based on the anime series.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release: September 12, 1998 (JP), September 3, 1999 (AU), October 19, 1999 (NA), June 16, 2000 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy, Game Boy Color
Here, the player can explore the different habitats of all the Pokémon species to collect.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The player starts the game with a Pikachu and gets the chance to capture three more starter Pokémon throughout the game.
- There’s a mini-game called Surfing Pikachu.
4) Pokémon Gold and Silver (2000)
These are the first installments in the Pokémon series’ second generation.
For this game, there are 100 new Pokémon species to capture and the player can choose the name of the character.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release: November 21, 1999 (JP), October 13, 2000 (AU), October 15, 2000 (NA), April 6, 2001 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy Color
There are different terrains to explore to discover various Pokémon species.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There is an introduction of a new Elite Four where the Champion possesses Dragon-type Pokémon.
- There are a couple of game-exclusive Pokémon to collect.
5) Pokémon Crystal (2001)
This is another game that the developers enhanced by including new features.
The player can choose the main character’s gender and it includes new subplots.
Developer: Game Freak
Publishers: Nintendo
Release: December 14, 2000 (JP), July 29, 2001 (NA), November 2, 2001 (EU), September 30, 2001 (AU)
Platforms: Game Boy Color
There are some alterations in the graphics, new color schemes, new designs, and new layouts.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The sprites in this version come with their own subtle animations.
- There are some upgrades in the story mechanics.
6) Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (2002)
These versions were the first installments in the Pokémon series’ third generation.
Some key features of these versions include double battles and new Pokémon abilities.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: November 21, 2002 (JP), March 19, 2003 (NA), April 3, 2003 (AU), July 25, 2003 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy Advance
This game includes three basic screens – the field map, the battle screen, and the menu.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There is a new Elite Four and its champion makes use of a Steel-type Pokémon.
- There are 135 new Pokémon introduced in this version.
7) Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)
These versions are the enhanced versions of the very first games that came out.
There is a contextual help menu and a new character in the region that the player can access.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: January 29, 2004 (JP), September 7, 2004 (NA), September 23, 2004 (AU), October 1, 2004 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy Advance
The main screen for this game is the overworld where the player navigates the main character.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The game comes with an introduction feature to teach the player how to play.
- There is a new southern region called the Sevii Islands.
8) Pokémon Emerald (2005)
This version is part of the Pokémon series’ third generation that first came out in Japan.
The goal remains the same but the main subplot here is to beat two criminal organizations.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: September 16, 2004 (JP), May 1, 2005 (NA), June 9, 2005 (AU), October 21, 2005 (EU)
Platforms: Game Boy Advance
The main characters have new green-colored outfits. Players catch Pokémon to evolve as the game progresses.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There are some minor changes in the graphics of the game.
- Some new features include a new phone and new types of battles.
9) Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (2007)
These are the first installments in the Pokémon series’ fourth generation.
One key feature of this game is the Internet play that allows players to go online and play using a Wi-Fi connection.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: September 28, 2006 (JP), April 22, 2007 (NA), June 21, 2007 (AU), July 27, 2007 (EU), February 14, 2008 (KOR)
Platforms: Nintendo DS
The main settings of these games are in Sinnoh that has massive mountains covered in snow.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There are 107 new Pokémon introduced in this game.
- These games include five time periods from morning until night.
10) Pokémon Platinum (2009)
This game is the enhanced, stronger version of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
Players start off with the main character and one of three starter Pokémon – Piplup, Chimchar or Turtwig.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: September 13, 2008 (JP), March 22, 2009 (NA), May 22, 2009 (EU), May 14, 2009 (AU)
Platforms: Nintendo DS
The main region for this game has a “northern” feel to it and the characters have outfits suitable for the cold weather in the region.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There is a “Wi-Fi Plaza” where the player can play a number of mini-games.
- The GTS system allows players to anonymously trade Pokémon via Wi-Fi.
11) Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2010)
These are the enhanced remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver with features from Pokémon Crystal.
The setting of these versions is in the Johto region where the main goal is to raise, catalog, and evolve Pokémon while trying to defeat other trainers.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: September 12, 2009 (JP), March 14, 2010 (NA), March 25, 2010 (AU), March 26, 2010 (EU)
Platforms: Nintendo DS
For these versions, the main character hails from a small town called New Bark Town.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- For these versions, the player can speak to the Pokémon to check how they’re feeling.
- There is a new mini-game entitled “Pokéathlon.”
12) Pokémon Black and White (2011)
These versions are the first installments in the Pokémon series’ fifth generation RPGs.
Some key features of these versions include rotation battles, a seasonal cycle, triple battles, and more.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: September 18, 2010 (JP), March 4, 2011 (EU), March 6, 2011 (NA), March 10, 2011 (AU)
Platforms: Nintendo DS
The basis of the Unova Region is New York City that has a more modern feel to it.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- Improved graphics compared to the previous versions of the games.
- Speech balloons appear over the heads of the characters.
13) Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (2012)
These versions are the sequels of Pokémon Black and White and they are also part of the fifth generation games.
Most of the events in these occur in new locations in Unova Region’s western side where the player can also find new Pokémon.
Developer: Game Freak
Publishers: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: June 23, 2012 (JP), October 7, 2012 (NA), October 11, 2012 (AU), October 12, 2012 (EU)
Platforms: Nintendo DS
In the beginning, the main character and their rival start the journey in the Unova Region.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There are 300 new Pokémon available in these versions.
- Special unlocks called “keys” that the player receives after completing tasks.
14) Pokémon X and Y (2013)
These versions are the first installments in the Pokémon series’ sixth generation.
The goals are to foil the plans of Team Flare while trying to challenge the champion of the Pokémon League.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: October 12, 2013
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS
Several locations in the setting of these versions get their inspiration from real-world attractions including the Prism Tower that’s based on the Eiffel Tower and more.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The game allows for more interactivity and more dynamic action.
- Players can customize the appearance of their main character.
15) Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (2014)
These games are the enhanced versions of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
The player will enjoy exploring a region that’s rich in Pokémon species and incredible people.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: November 21, 2014 (WW), November 28, 2014 (EU)
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS
These versions have a dramatic storyline that unfolds as the games progress with the Hoenn Region as the main setting.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- The Pokémon-Amie feature allows players to interact more with their Pokémon.
- There are Secret Bases that players can customize however they wish.
16) Pokémon Sun and Moon (2016)
These games are the first installments in the Pokémon series’ seventh generation.
For these versions, the developers place more emphasis on Pokémon interactions and there are new features introduced in these versions too.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: November 18, 2016 (WW), November 23, 2016 (EU)
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS
The main setting of these versions is in the Alola Region that consists of several islands.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There are 81 new Pokémon to look out for in these versions.
- New moves called Z-Moves along with updated training and battle mechanics.
17) Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)
These games are the enhanced versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon but with a new storyline.
The setting of these versions is the Alola Region too. But they have an alternate storyline along with the introduction of new characters and gameplay features.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: The Pokémon Company Nintendo
Release: November 17, 2017
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS
The main emphasis of these versions is the legendary Pokémon known as Necrozma. The setting includes new locations and structures.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- There is a new mini-game called Marine Surf.
- There is a new online mode available known as the Battle Agency.
18) Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Release: 16 November 2018
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! attempts to bring the fun of the original Pokémon Yellow to a whole new audience. So how well does a modern remake of a 20-year-old game for the original Game Boy hold up? The answer is that it holds up surprisingly well.
To begin, the game adds connectivity with both Pokémon Go and the Poké Ball Plus. But it’s really the atmosphere that will catch people’s attention.
Pokémon Yellow caught on in large part because it evoked people’s imaginations. And the beautiful scenery, environmental touches like lazy Meowths, and of course the music should match people’s high expectations.
Given the age of Pokémon Yellow, some parents might even be able to experience the fun of showing their kids what Pokémon was like back in the day.
19) Pokémon Sword and Shield (2019)
Sword and Shield was the first entry into the 8th generation of Pokémon games. The game largely focuses on setting a new standard for basic mechanics and graphics.
But there’s still a lot for fans of the franchise to love. But the game does often feel like an experiment with new ideas rather than a polished implementation.
And this is especially true now that the game is in a legacy state. For example, the social elements of the Wild Area might feel more like an abandoned ruin than a thriving hub of activity.
But despite the game’s failings, it’s still a solid entry into the franchise. Just an entry that has been somewhat overshadowed by games that more fully realized their potential.
These versions include cooperative raid encounters. “Gigantamax” allows Pokémon to grow temporarily while “Dynamax” allows the Pokémon to take different forms.
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo The Pokémon Company
Release: November 15, 2019
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
The setting of these versions is in the Galar Region which is a long and narrow piece of land. It has a modern setting as several landmarks in the region take their inspiration from Great Britain.
Why players should play this game
Some great features of this game include:
- More intensive and improved graphics.
- Several new Pokémon to capture, train, and evolve.
20) Pokémon Unite (2021)
Developer: TiMi Studio Group
Publisher: The Pokémon Company
Release: July, September 2021
Platforms: Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch
Pokémon Unite marks a dramatic shift from the franchise’s norm. With the obvious exception of Pokémon Go, the Pokémon franchise tends to be tied to Nintendo platforms. But while Unite premiered on the Switch it was followed just a month later by ports to Android and iOS.
Unite is a multiplayer arena-style game that forgoes most of the non-combat elements of standard Pokémon games.
Instead, players get to participate in a massive online battle arena. But Unite differs from most MOBA games by not featuring leaderboards.
Instead, players are encouraged to just have fun with the experience. The game is generally lacking when compared to most of the franchise. But it still has a charm that might interest Pokémon fans looking for something different to play when they’re on the go.
21) Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (2021)
Developer: ILCA
Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokémon Company
Release: 19 November 2021
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl try to capture the remake magic of Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! But the game largely suffers from trying to stay too true to the original game.
The graphical polish might appeal to a modern audience. But even that tends to be more adequate than striking. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are left as little more than a retread of the original DS games with a new layer of paint.
22) Legends: Arceus (2022)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokémon Company
Release: 28 January 2022
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Legends: Arceus is arguably the greatest leap forward ever seen in a Pokémon game. The game’s semi-open world environment ditches a lot of the elements people expect from a Pokémon game.
And when familiar elements are found the player is left to confront their own assumptions about how they’ll function. The game is essentially a chance to rediscover the feeling of playing Pokémon for the first time.
23) Scarlet and Violet (2022)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokémon Company
Release: 18 November 2022
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Arceus saw the developers playing around with new ideas. But Scarlet and Violet show a more polished implementation of those concepts within a more mainline context.
Scarlet and Violet push things closer to a true open-world experience. And players can enjoy the fun of opening up new areas with different transportation.
Even small touches like the ability to use Pokémon as scouts make the world feel like a true living environment.
Pokemon Type Chart
The following pokemon type chart illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of 18 types of Pokemon against each other to determine the effect on another type.
Source: Wikimedia
What is the First Ever Pokemon Game?
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the very first Pokemon games were Pocket Monsters Red and Green released in Japan (1996) for the Game Boy game console.
The video game designer and director who created and launched the Pokemon series is Satoshi Tajiri, who is also the president of Game Freak game development company.
The multiplayer and trading features of these original Pokemon titles received some great praise from critics and they quickly climbed at the top of game ranks and lists.
How Many Pokemon Games are There
In addition to the “core series” in the Pokemon franchise, there are also several spin-offs and side titles that are not part of the main series.
If we consider all Pokemon games (core, spin-offs etc), there are currently a total of 122 games known.
The “Core Series” in the Pokemon game list consists of 23 games in total, as discussed in this article.
There you have it, a comprehensive list of 23 Core and spin-off Pokémon video games in order. Although most of these games share a lot of similarities, the developers created the new versions by enhancing the old ones and adding more features.
you forgot lets go eevee and pikachu
Some of the Pokémon games – which were quite a success in franchise development for the younger, really I have to admit they did a good job at the base of design. With questions about generation 0 and all that which is said to be a rumor. Though the truth of the matter is simply an evolution of hex base and they had not discussed the egg stages. The only factor I find about this interesting assertion is the chronology basically on the series. As Gamefreak being a publisher and developer there was questions on much of those uses relating to the games. Though other copies as related to the fact that Japan did come out with Pocket Monsters and all that, makes you wonder what games of the old systems and such were not listed. – these come in parts, so pretty much that sort of sums it up. Aside from the ones that other people mention. Yep.
Pokemon – Diamond = FC
Pokemon – 4 in One = Also known as Pikaclick = FC
Pokemon – Gold = FC
Pokemon – Crystal = FC
I forgot to say the system was Famicom. = Thank you. For those who needed to know the old versions of pokemon game version.
About Harris Andrea
Harris Andrea (complaint.) Thank you for removing honest comments. Cause you want to protect your stupidity. ^-^ Please note… I acknowledge the timeline except for the fact that Japanese versions were originally on the famicom. Games mentioned as listed, so the moderators want to be stubborn and not acknowledge people. = thank you.
Samuel, I just saw your comments now and immediately approved them. Sorry for not being quicker
YA pokemon sleep to