Most households feature an internet connection from one service provider or another. Devices access the internet through a hardwired Ethernet connection or via WiFi.
If you use a wireless router at home, chances are high you’ve wondered whether Is OK to keep your WiFi router ON all the time.
Without a doubt, users commonly wonder about whether the WiFi router device needs to be shut down or not. A wireless router will run without pause, but is that the best way to run the router?
Should I Leave my WiFi ON all the time?
The Short Answer:
Simply put, you can indeed run your WiFi router 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
These devices often feature passive cooling and won’t overheat with constant running.
Manufacturers do design these products to run without shutting down. You’ll notice a WiFi router often needs a restart from time to time, which is expected.
Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of routers run around the clock and suffer no issues.
Although a WiFi router is capable to run continuously without shutting down, maybe there is a better way as we will see below.
What we recommend is to buy a WiFi router that has a scheduling feature to turn-off the WiFi signal of the device.
You should schedule the router to turn off WiFi during times of non-use. Perhaps you don’t need WiFi while you’re asleep or away from the home.
By powering down the network, it’s possible to reap certain benefits on an automated schedule. Many routers come with scheduling software, and hardware solutions are available as well.
Advantages Of Leaving Your WiFi Router ON
Leaving your WiFi router on ensures a constant and stable internet connection. You won’t notice the slightest interruption in connectivity this way. For instance, your IoT and smart home devices will always be available and accessible.
Routers are designed to remain powered on consistently, so you’ll improve the lifespan of the device because powering off and on all the time is not good either.
This particular route provides maximum convenience for day to day users.
Advantages of Turning Your WiFi Router OFF
On the other hand, turning off the router from time to time comes with advantages, too.
The science isn’t definitive on health risks, but routers emit powerful signals in the airwaves. If you power down the device, you’ll receive less exposure to these signals.
Routers consume electricity during use, so you’ll realize minor energy savings.
Plus, wireless routers are easy to penetrate, and they’re less of a security risk turned off.
Power surges are less likely to damage the unit while turned off. In the end, a WiFi router needs a break now and then from a shutdown.
Powering down the router or restarting the device often improves overall performance.
For whatever reason, most WiFi issues are solved with a simple restart or shut down. You can reap a variety of other benefits by turning your WiFi router OFF on occasion.
How To Turn Off A WiFi Router Automatically and On A Schedule
As previously mentioned, you should consider turning off your WiFi router at night.
There’s little chance you need WiFi while asleep. Automatic scheduling of the WiFi router can be accomplished through various means.
These days, many WiFi routers feature scheduling software built in. You can tweak these settings to automatically turn OFF the WiFi antennas at a preferred schedule.
A second option involves using a smart power plug to control the WiFi router’s electricity power.
These plugs can be programmed through a smartphone app or other means.
From there, you control when the plug itself turns ON and OFF. When the plug is disabled, your router will turn off at night. The opposite is true for when the plug is enabled in the morning. Smart power plugs are cheap and effective tools in this situation.
Manage Your WiFi Router On A Schedule And Reap The Rewards
At the end of the day, you need to control your router on a schedule. Automating this process saves time and effort without requiring much setup work.
We need a break from time to time, and the same could be safe of WiFi routers. You’ll see passive benefits in scheduling the router to turn off at night. Although these benefits might seem minor, they make a difference in various ways.
A scheduled power on and power off cycle (either using the built-in router’s scheduling feature or using an external smart power plug) provides tangible benefits. Your home’s network will be more secure, and the device will use less electricity.
You’re less likely to see random slowdowns and other problems associated with routers, either. For that reason, you should follow these tips and see the benefits at home.
I just wanted to know whether to keep my router on from 6 in the morning to around 11 at night when I go to bed . Guess that’s totally fine if it’s capable of being on all the time. I do switch it off though at night when I am in bed or away from home.
Yeah that is totally fine. Routers are made to run 24×7 so it can certainly run between 6-11. You can also schedule the WiFi to turn off during the night if your router model supports this.
If my router is kept on 24 hours, wil my service provider charge me extra for that….?
Jude, No they will not charge you any extra money. Routers are supposed to be kept on 24 hours.