Windows 10 is an amazing operating system with plenty of features. It does not really matter if you have been using this version for a long time or have recently installed it on your computer, there is always something new to learn.
In this article, we will reveal some interesting hidden tips and tricks that would help you become more productive in your day-to-day tasks.
It is worth mentioning the fact that some of these tips require a stable internet connection like Spectrum internet that does not lag in speed and bandwidth. So, without further ado, let us get started.
1. Minimize All Windows but the Active One
It is quite irritating when your computer screen gets crowded with several windows and you have to minimize them one by one.
Well, there is a way to minimize all those windows except for the one that you are working on.
Simply click and hold the title bar of the window that you are working on and move the mouse back and forth.
After some quick shakes, all open windows will minimize and the one you have used to shake will remain open.
2. The Secret Start Menu
Everybody knows about the Start menu but many users do not know about the secret Start menu.
Windows 10 comes with a second Start menu that makes crucial programs like Task Manager, Control Panel, and Command Prompt easily accessible.
You can access this secret Start menu by pressing Windows + X or by simply right-clicking on the Windows icon. You can also shut down your computer through this second start menu.
3. Create Events without Opening the Calendar
The latest update on Windows 10 enables you to add events to your calendar directly from the Taskbar.
You do not even need to open the calendar application on your computer. Here is how to do it.
First, click on the date and time box, which is situated in the bottom right corner of your taskbar.
Then, select the date when you wish to schedule the event and click on the + sign.
Enter the details including event name, time, and location. After that click Save and that is it. The event will appear in the calendar app on all your devices.
4. Take a Quick Screenshot
Despite being a basic one, users often tend to forget this simple yet effective technique.
There are at least 8 different ways to take a screenshot in Windows 10 but we will only discuss the easiest one.
If you want to capture and save a picture of the entire screen, simply press the Windows Key + Prt Scr (Print Screen) Key and the screenshot will be automatically saved in the Screenshots folder in your device’s Pictures.
If you want to capture a specific part of your screen, simply press the Windows Key + Shift + S.
A tool will appear on your screen allowing you to crop the part that you wish to save.
This picture will be saved to your clipboard and you will have to paste (Ctrl + V) it in a file or folder manually.
5. Open Taskbar Apps with Keyboard
Many users know how to pin programs to the taskbar, but what most of them do not know is that they can open these programs with their keyboard.
Instead of using your mouse, use the Windows Key + [Number Key]. The Number Key corresponds to the position of the application on the taskbar.
For instance, if Skype is the third application pinned on your taskbar, then press the Windows Key + 3 to launch it. Press the same keys again to minimize the program.
6. Enable Background Scrolling
Background scrolling saves a lot of time and helps the user multitask. Windows 10 is completely customizable in the manner that the user can scroll up and down on any window even if the window being worked on is different. This will enable the user to save time by not having to click back and forth.
Here is an example of how you can use this feature: Open a word document and an online article on your internet browser.
Now arrange both the windows on the screen side by side in such a manner that text can be read on both.
Some people prefer having the display half and half. Now, even if you are working on the word document, you can scroll down the article on your explorer by simply hovering your mouse over the window.
This feature is turned on by default in Windows 10. However, if you feel that your system does not have it, then go to Settings, open Devices, click on Mouse and turn on the ‘Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them’ feature.
This will enable you to use the background scrolling trick.
Make the most out of your operating system by using it to its full potential. With the aforementioned tips and tricks, you will be able to work efficiently and effectively. We hope that you enjoyed these hacks, stay tuned for more tricks, which we will roll out shortly.
Author Bio:
Bruce Crawford
Bruce Crawford is a proficient writer with a strong grip on the concepts of marketing, technology, design and lifestyle. His articles have been featured on well-renowned sites including Business2Community, The Good Men Project and Inspiration Feed. In his spare time, he likes to read about the latest trends of the digital industry and play chess.
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