It is impossible to ask someone to live without his/her Smartphone. Especially the young generation is accustomed to stick to their phone starting from the early morning until the end of the day.
It is true that in this era of digitization, many tasks are done online, and our mobile phones are the device that we use to do the same. But, is it a good habit to use our Smartphone every hour? Ever wondered about the effects that it has on our brain?
According to World Health Organization (WHO), cell phone radiation enhances the chances of brain cancer when it is used heavily and for a long time, so much that it was categorized as a ‘possible human carcinogen’.
Let’s have a look at some of the effects that the longtime use of Smartphone has on our brain:
Lazier brain
Often, we depend on our Smartphone to carry out our extra workload instead of using our brain. Evidence says that when we hand over the tasks, that require thinking, to our devices, it makes our brain sick and lazy.
It has been found in research that those who are analytical thinkers like the professional essay helper are not dependent on the search engine of the Smartphone like others.
Hence, the more we use our Smartphone, the lesser is our analytical thinking skill. Researchers have pointed out that people who use the books to get complex information, build a deeper understanding and also perform higher conceptual thinking.
Brain tissue damage
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland carried out a research, in which it was discovered that the mobile phone radiation can cause brain tissue damage.
It was found in a study that the young people who have the tendency to overuse their Smartphone and the internet, displayed imbalances in brain chemistry.
It was again found in a study featured in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, that even when the Smartphone is switched off, the cognitive capacity of the user is largely decreased in its presence.
Social-Emotional Skills
Researchers have warned that if Smartphone, Tablets or other devices are used to entertain the younger children, their emotional and social development might get negatively impacted due to the same.
It has been suggested by experts that direct interaction with humans and practical activities are always better than the mobile games that have been built for developing interaction.
Along with this, when mobile phones are excessively used, it can impose greater problems, especially when the practical activities, which assist in growing the sensorimotor and visual-motor skills, are replaced by them.
It is yet to be discovered if one’s problem-solving skills are also interfered due to the excessive use of the Smartphone however.
Tumor Development
Another negative effect of the overuse of mobile phones is that it can even cause a brain tumor to grow. It was dictated by an Italian court that if the mobile phone is excessively used, it can cause the user to grow a benign brain tumor.
In the case, the court declared that the man who used the phone for 3-4 hours daily for fifteen years for work-related purposes, had a benign brain tumor growth due to it. This is the common picture for every professional.
For example, experts like dissertation editors online have to spend a minimum of 4-5 hours on their phones. Apart from this, research also says that those people have higher chances of cancer, who have their phone close to their faces or keep them inside their pockets for a longer period of time.
Increased anxiety
A few minutes of separation from one’s phone can make him/her extremely anxious. It was found by Dr. Rosen in an experiment that anxiety can start in a person’s brain if he/she is away from his/her cell phone for just ten minutes. It was added by Dr. Rosen that even if there is a phone within one’s sight, the person can become anxious just by its presence!!
Having an abnormal feeling
A phenomenon named ‘phantom vibration syndrome’ is experienced by people who have a habit of excessive mobile phone use.
A study showed that 90% of people have had the experience of this syndrome, in which they get a feeling of vibration in their pocket even in the absence of a phone.
In an extreme case, people who use their phones heavily have a feeling that their phones are a part of their body. People have also reported having a feeling of identity loss when they were parted from their phones.
Quickened brain activity
It has been found that our brain activity can get stimulated by the use of Smartphone. These devices are so powerful that it can quicken the brain activity after using it for just fifty minutes.
Our brain is very sensitive to the radiations generated by the cell phones and it can have a long-term effect on our brain. In the study conducted on 47 volunteers, mobile phones were strapped to both the ears of the participants, and their brain activity was measured by a PET scanner.
It was shown in the scan that when one phone was on, the use of glucose by the brain was increased in the places where the antenna was close to the brain.
Lack of sleep
A person’s sleep cycle can also get affected if the mobile phone is used during the bedtime. The blue light which is emitted from the cell phone screen can be the reason behind this, and your sleep cycle can get affected by it even if the phone is switched off.
It has been found in a study that the use of Smartphone is also the reason behind low-quality sleep among adults.
Another study was conducted on 653 participants, in which, it was found that those having a longer screen time than the average were likely to get less and a low quality of sleep. Those who used their mobile phones close to their bedtime were the ones who had a poor quality of sleep.
It has been revealed by a research that the blue light from the phones or other such devices may subdue the production of melatonin in our body. It is a hormone by which our tiredness is stimulated and it plays a crucial role in determining our sleep-wake cycle’s timing.
From the information and data provided above, it can be concluded that our brain has a good chance of getting negatively affected by the excessive use of the mobile phone.
This is why, it is necessary for us to be conscious about the use of Smartphone and ensure that we cut down on the time we get exposed to the radiation from it.
It is true that there is scope for more research to be done to fully understand the effects of the use of cell phones on our brain, but, to be on the safer side, it is always better to reduce the time we spent on our Smartphone.
Author’s Bio
Adam Paul is a regular blogger and his area of specialization is in informing his readers about the side-effects of technology. He also offers writing help through MyAssignmenthelp to assist students with their academic papers. He holds a special interest in gardening and does the same when he is not writing.
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