The world runs on data. Every website, application, electronic shop, game etc with which you interact has a database behind it. Whether it’s customers’ names, email addresses, and phone numbers, or it is product ID numbers and price lists; all of it goes into a database. In this article we’ll describe and compare the two […]
Comparison of AMD Ryzen 5 vs Intel i5 Computer CPU Processors
Without a doubt, both the Intel Core i5 and AMD Ryzen 5 are among the top CPUs available in 2022. With one of these CPUs, you can construct anything from a powerful gaming machine to a content development workstation without spending a fortune. However, the more pressing issue is which CPU is the best investment […]
14 Different Types of Computer Ports Explained (with Pictures)
While technological innovations allow us sleek and lightweight laptops that we can carry practically anywhere, they haven’t quite figured out how to make a computer that’s completely free of cords and ports. Until then, we’ll just have to keep track of the various ports attached to our computers — as well as the cables that […]
Comparison of Chromebook vs Macbook – Which One is Right for You?
If you’re on the market for a new laptop computer, with so many option available you’re no doubt confused about which brand to choose or which type of laptop Operating System to go for. Now, while both the Chromebook and Macbook are great options, they’re significantly different in terms of performance, cost, and capabilities. That […]
Is Lenovo a Good Laptop Brand? Comprehensive Guide, Pros, Cons etc
While Lenovo is recognized today as one of the biggest computer brands in the world, that wasn’t always the case. When it was initially founded in 1984, this Beijing-based company focused their attention on manufacturing televisions and then digital watches. But a pivot towards developing personal computers in 1990 saved the company from potential insolvency […]
10-point Comparison of Chromebook vs Laptop – Which one Wins?
The physical appearance of Chromebooks and Laptops look the same, but they are a lot different when it comes to overall functionality. In this article we will compare the two portable computer devices and discuss the main differences of each together with our recommendations. The most notable difference between a Chromebook and a laptop is […]
Will a Laptop Work Without a Battery? Is It Safe? Let’s Find Out Here
Recently, I got into the process of replacing my laptop’s battery to get a new one since it went completely dead. But I wondered whether my laptop would work in the meantime when I don’t have a battery installed in it. So out of curiosity, I did some research and here’s what I’ve learned. Will […]
12 Different Types of Computer Keyboards Explained (with Pictures)
Most of us are used to the standard keyboards that are attached to our computers without looking for other types of computer keyboards. Without questioning what functionalities we require from our keyboards, we type away oblivious to the fact that there could be a better one out there for us. From flexible keyboards, easily rolled […]
10 Best SSD Brands for Computers – Reliable Solid State Drive Manufacturers
Computer hardware is always iterative, but sometimes an innovation comes along that represents a seismic jump forward in technology. The Solid State Drive (SSD) is one of those technologies. With read speeds 10 times that of a traditional mechanical hard drive and double the difference in write speeds, SSDs have quickly become the standard for […]
Best Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) & Graphics Card Brands for Computers
In a subculture where specs rule everything, the GPU is a sign that gamers have tremendous influence on what’s prioritized by the manufacturers. While the GPU is ranked among the top components in terms of importance, high-end GPUs typically only show their actual value when playing the latest AAA games or taking part in serious […]