We have curated the best WiFi SSID names that people use on their routers and we are listing them below. You can download the list in PDF format at the end of this post.
The list below includes some awesome, funny, nerdy, creative and hilarious SSID names that will surely put a smile on your neighbor’s face when they see them.
So without further ado let’s see the list below:
Obi-WLan Kenobi
Wi Believe I Can Fi
Abraham Linksy
John Wilkes-Bluetooth
99 problems but wifi aint one
I Slept With Your WiFi
I’m not a witch I’m your wifi
Ku Klux Lan
NSA Drone 3
2 Girls 1 Router
Bring Weed to Apt 4 For Pw
Click to permit video surveillance
Click and your dog dies
Make Internet Great Again
Police surveillance
MikeShesCheatingOnYou (if your neighbor is called Mike)
Lord of the Pings
Still Loading…Please Wait
1Kbps Speed (no one will try to connect !!)
Get your own damn wifi
LAN DOWN UNDER (if you live in Australia)
TwoWhiteBitches (if you have two white female dogs in the house!!)
Titanic Synching
disabled SSID
The Silence of the LANs
Click Here for Viruses
Drop it like it’s Hotspot
I Pronounce you Man and WiFi (for just married couple)
That’s What She SSID
I Did Your Wifi Last Night
Happy Wifi Happy Lifi
$10 per hour
AOL Dialup
Benjamin FrankLAN
Theodore Routervelt
Vladimir Routin
Winona Router
John Claude WAN Damme
Iron LAN
Spider LAN
DoLAN Trump
Virus Infected WiFi
404 Wi-Fi Unavailable
Virus Distribution Center
Your Dog Shits In My Yard
This LAN is Mine LAN None of Ur LAN
Don’t $top Wi-Fi$hing
Free WiFi. Just Kidding
Enter your ATM PIN for the internet
Your music is annoying
Poor signal
No Facebook, Happy Life
WiFi not connected, Try again
Uploading your photos, 81% Completed
Hey! We Can Hear U While S*x
Making Wi-Fi Great Once Again
Mom, Click Here for Internet
Vladimir Computin
One Does Not Simply Log Into Mordor
1000mbps all for me losers
You Can’t Touch This
I can hear you Farting!
Immigration Authorities
my antenna is bigger than yours
Download the WiFi Names Above HERE
What is a Wi-Fi SSID?
Many people connect to Wi-Fi without caring to know much about some of the technical terms that come with it. For example, the acronym SSID is very common when it comes to Wi-Fi networks.
SSID is a technical term for Wi-Fi routers that many people do not know how it works or what the acronym stands for. If for example, you are in a public place like the airport or a coffee shop and you want to join a Wi-Fi network, then all you do is check out the available wireless networks near you and join the one you have authorization to join. The name of the network is called SSID.
The acronym stands for “Service Set Identifier”. Simply put, it is a name or an identifier that tells you the network to join. A service set is a collection of wireless networking devices with the same parameters.
How is SSID used in Wi-Fi routers?
When you get a router from your service provider or when you buy one from a store, you will find an SSID sticker at the bottom of the router.
It is usually next to a barcode and it gives you the factory default network name of this particular router.
You can choose to use the given SSID set of letters as your router name or to distinguish yourself from your neighbors around you by choosing your own SSID name that you can easily remember.
This WiFi name can be cool, creative, funny, or just a nerdy one.
Changing your SSID is also the best thing to do if you have several networks in the same building or neighborhood. Setting up a different name for your router enables you to clarify who you are or maybe deter people from trying to abuse your network as some names in this article show.
SSID key features
One of the important characteristics that you need to know is that every SSID can have maximum of 32 case sensitive characters irrespective of the router manufacturer. You can use of course a lower number of characters.
Each WiFi SSID name on a router must be accompanied with a password which is the one used on your devices (smartphones, laptops etc) to connect to the wireless network.
Currently WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access version 2) is a great security protocol used in networks which allows your router to require a strong password for any clients that want to connect.
The newest security protocol that will come out with WiFi6 is called WPA3 and will be much more secure.
How SSID works
Once you switch on your computer or mobile phone, the first thing you are asked to do is to connect to a network. If you have already connected before, then your device will authenticate automatically to the known network and let you in.
If you want to connect to a new Wi-Fi network, you will need to scan through the available networks which will have icons showing whether they are open or require a password. If they are not open, they will show a padlock, which requires a password to open.
Only networks configured to show their Wi-Fi SSID name will appear automatically. If you want one that does not broadcast its Wi-Fi SSID name, then you will have to search for it manually by entering its name manually.
The SSID is the name that identifies your own home network and maybe can identify some characteristics of your personality as well (e.g creativity, how funny or nerd you are etc).
Configuring a unique and funny name for your home wireless network will surely bring a smile on your neighbor’s face!!
Moreover, hiding the Wi-Fi SSID name may not guarantee you the security you need because today, there are software and apps that can uncover any hidden networks. You therefore have to be very careful with the kind of information you choose to share out there and also choose a strong WPA2 password for your network.
Amazing article, Thanks for sharing!
Great explanation written very well indeed! That was delivered with pristine clarity helping individuals better understand how connecting to the great w.w.w in all its complexities to the simplest and most common methods for accessing the wifi network safely and securely so that our data stays protected and of course PRIVATE! Oh yeah and thanks for the few helpful tips included and the downloadable gift of funny network names, I doubt I’ll use just one, so I decided to pick a different name 1 for every month to come and I’ll chuckle with every one! Truly appreciated! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and thanks for keeping it simple for all the newbies and beginners a better understanding of your tech topic tidbits! I want more! With your ability to share your knowledge in a way that’s dynamic and easy to understand people will most likely retain this information most of their life’s because you have a great talent the way you deliver/share your expertise and information that seems to help it stick! Thanks again!
Using a funny SSID can make it easier for you to be identified.
I used to have some but have changed them.
GoAwayGoogle (When I found out the google maps car was collecting SSIDs).
Hanger1.mil (I live near an airport)
I used a quite a few others ending in .mil (military)
Some clever SSID ideas JB. Thanks for your comment.